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羅淑燕 Suie
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畢業於香港浸會大學社會學系、國立臺北藝術大學藝術行政及管理研究所。曾擔任不同藝術界別之監製、統籌及行政工作,包括統籌 2019 年 ATYA 周年大會暨表演藝術平台、 2017年任FIGMENT HONG KONG互動藝術節發起人及並曾任明日藝術教育機構節目經理等。


2016 年獲香港藝術發展局資助前赴美國考察。修讀研究所期間三度獲得中華民國教育部研究所優秀僑生獎學金,並曾於台灣國際打擊樂節 2014 及關渡藝術節 2014 實習。


完成賽馬會藝術通達服務劇場演出口述影像培訓後,為多個本地及海外劇場演出擔任口述影像員,參與演出包括香港舞蹈團《媽祖》、中英劇團《福爾摩斯四圍騰之華生暴走大狗查 (重演)》、劇場空間音樂劇《熱鬥獅子球》(首演及重演)、三角關係《家寶》、香港演藝學院戲劇學院《誰怕蒼蠅王》、丹麥蘇菲•克羅格劇團《攞命馬戲班》、香港芭蕾舞團《胡桃夾子》及 Flash 樂團訓練與表演等。

三點水創作團內作品包括:好聲好戲 Podcast Drama《有記號的媽媽》(編劇)、《作曲家的耳朵背叛》(編劇及導演)。



Suie Lo

Creative Producer | Audio Desciber | Arts Administrator

Suie graduated with a Master of Graduate Institute of Arts Administration and Management at Taipei National University of the Arts. She worked as project co-ordinator and arts administrator for different arts and cultural sectors, such as The Nonsensemakers, MingRi Institute for Arts Education Ltd., Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, CCDC Dance Centre and PIP Cultural Industries. She is the producer of first Asia FIGMENT project : FIGMENT HK. She lives in Melbourne, Australia currently.

Suie received three times Outstanding Graduated Student Scholarship from Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan) in her master study. She was the intern in “Taiwan International Percussion Festival 2014” at Ju Percussion Group Foundation and “Guandu Arts Festival 2014” at The Performing Arts Centre, Taipei National University of the Arts.


Since 2016, she, trained in Arts Accessibility Scheme, the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK) , and is an audio describer of different arts and cultural events, including "Mazu the Sea Goddess" by Hong Kong Dance Company, "Ken Ludwig's Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (Re-run)" by Chung Ying Theatre Company, "Circus Funestus" by Sofie Krog Teater, "Who's Afraid of Lord of the Flies" by The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, "The Nutcracker" by Hong Kong Ballet.

She involved as scriptwriter and director in Podcast drama programmes "有記號的媽媽" and "作曲家的耳朵背叛".

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